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- Select filters based on fluid and service

- Assess Cleanliness using reference images of actual filter media

- Compare and Convert between
National Aerospace Standard (NAS) 1638, SAE AS4059 (Former Society of Automotive Engineers) and ISO 4406

- Calculate 3 Digit ISO Codes based on raw cleanliness data

- Assess fluid cleanliness based on a given 3 Digit ISO Code

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Q - Can NAS, SAE & ISO Cleanliness Standards be converted?

A - It is not a simple conversion like converting meters to feet but NAS, SAE and the ISO Standards all measure the same thing so, at some level, they are convertible. The App conversion is based on manufacturers data, laboratory results and field performance.

Q - Why are there two Absolute Filter ratings in the App?

A - Absolute filtration is not a set standard and manufacturers are free to choose. In practice manufacturers generally quote absolute filtration as between 99.5% (
β 200) and 99.95% (β 2000) efficiency so both are shown.

Q - Why is the nominal Filter ratings set at
β 10?

A - Nominal filtration is not a set standard and manufacturers are free to choose. In practice manufacturers generally quote nominal filtration as
β 2,5 or 10. In practice β 10 (90% efficiency) is the most commonly used, in heavy industry, by reputable manufacturers.

Q - Why does the conversion utility feature 2 different ISO codes

A - ISO currently uses a 3 digit code based on the measurement of 4 µm, 6 µm and 14 µm particles the old (pre 1999) ISO standard based on measurement of
5 µm and 15 µm particles